
Picture ProgressBook is an online grade book that allows parents and students to check grades and homework assignments at any time of the day. We post homework on ProgressBook on a weekly basis. Please be sure to check there for homework and upcoming assignments.

If you do not yet have an account on ProgressBook, please contact the school to learn how you can set it up: (513) 947-7700.

Literature Textbook Online

Online  Literature Textbook Access Information:
 1.  Go to
 2.  Under Select your Subject, click “Language Arts Middle School”
 3.  Under Select your State, select “Ohio” from the dropdown menu
 4.  Click “Go”
 5.  Click on  “McDougal Littell Literature, Grade 7"
 6.  Click the Online Book link at the bottom of the page
 7.  Read the “Online Book Copyright Notice” and click Continue
 8.  Create a student account 
9.   You will need to enter an activation code in the “Activate Your Products” box.
The “Activation Code” is  2610525-20
10. Continue following the prompts to finish activation in order to access the book.

The Library

The public library is so much more than books! Librarians are research experts who can help you find the information you need in print and online. You can use computers at the library, rent DVDs and audio books, and get homework help! Check out the Clermont County Public Library and The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County.

This is one of Mrs. Hufford's favorite sites. Even if you don't know how to spell a word, this site will offer suggestions to get you close. also has a thesaurus, encyclopedia, quotes, and foreign word translator. It even has a free iPhone/iPod app (and yes, it is on Mrs. H's iPod)

Purdue University Online Writing Lab

This is a great site for all things related to writing. Bookmark this one for high school and college, too!

Grammar Girl!

Grammar girl offers "quick and dirty tips for better writing."

Guide to Grammar and Writing

Picture The name pretty well sums up what you'll find on this site: grammar and writing help, along with quizzes and activities to help you improve your writing.

Write Source 7

Write Source is a group of teachers and writers who develop materials for students and instructors from kindergarten through twelfth grade. This site contains some great information about how to judge primary sources of information, writing ideas, and how to follow proper writing style.